Tuesday 7 June 2011

First post ever!

It's very exciting isn't it? My first post ever!

Well, I suppose I should start with thoughts from today? I just finished making my first ever professional costume! It's a purple Dressing Gown for Lady M in Macbeth! I'll put photos up later if people show interest in me...(hint hint!)...I've used purple silk as the basis and then added a pink and green tartan belt round the waist and then hand sewn purple fluff around the sleeves and neckline. The gown is floor length, which I'm a little worried about as the production its made for is an outdoor tour which is going on all summer, don't want it to be horribly damaged within the first week! It's medieval inspired a based on this Pre Raphaelite painting:

Only it looks nothing like that! It's also supposed to be a nod to modern "WAG" culture but the only thing I could think of for that was this...

It was a very strange mood board I showed to the director!

Anyway...so it begins...

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